Lesson Plan Example

Week of Jan. 10 Biology (Blocks A, B, and D)
Begin class with 10 minutes of silent reading. Students will write summaries of their readings in their Reading Journal. Discuss Mendelian inheritance of human traits on pages 315-320. Use the overhead transparency of Pedigree I and Pedigree II to show how Albinism can be inherited in a family. Have students read The Blue People of Troublesome Creek article out loud in class. Have students do LBS 144 Genetics Exercise activity. Learning Standard: 3.4 Explain how mutations in the DNA sequence of a gene may be silent or result in phenotypic change in an organism and in its offspring. Benchmark: Interpret a pedigree, determine human genetic disorders that are caused by inheritance of recessive alleles, and predict how a human disorder can be determined by a simple dominant allele. Assignment: Read pages 315-328. Do Section 12.1: Mendelian Inheritance of Human Traits and Section 12.2: When Heredity Follows Different Rules (Page 1) Reinforcement and Study Guide.
Begin class with 10 minutes of silent reading. Students will write summaries of their readings in their Reading Journal. Discuss when heredity follows different rules on pages 321-328. Do Determination of Genotypes from Phenotypes in Humans lab in pairs. Each student will fill out their own lab sheet, but use their partners to help determine their own traits (instead of mirrors). Learning Standard: 3.5 Differentiate between dominant, recessive, codominant, polygenic, and sex-linked traits. Benchmark: Distinguish between incompletely dominant and codominat alleles, compare multiple allelic and polygenic inheritance, analyze the pattern of sex-linked inheritance, and summarize how internal and external environments affect gene expression. Assignment: Read pages 328-335. Do Section 12.2: When Heredity Follows Different Rules (Page 2) and Section 12.3: Complex Inheritance of Human Traits Reinforcement and Study Guide.
Begin class with 10 minutes of silent reading. Students will write summaries of their readings in their Reading Journal. Discuss complex inheritance of human traits on pages 329-335. Show video: Applications in Biology/Chemistry: Continuity of Life–4. Color Blindness (7:56 min.) Video is in VCR. Do How Can Karyotype Analysis Detect Genetic Disorders lab in regular lab groups. Learning Standard: 3.8 Explain how zygotes are produced in the fertilization process. Benchmark: Compare codominance, multiple allelic, sex-linked, and polygenic inheritance in humans and distinguish among conditions in which extra autosomal or sex chromosomes exist. Assignment: Do BIOLOGY: Chapter 12–Patterns of Heredity and Human Genetics Crossword Puzzle.
Begin class with 10 minutes of silent reading. Students will write summaries of their readings in their Reading Journal. Review for tomorrow’s test. Students should complete Chapter 12: Patterns of Heredity and Human Genetics Chapter Assessment in class.  Learning Standard: Use a range of exploratory techniques. Benchmarks: Prepare students for test. Assignment: Study for tomorrow’s test. Students may check their answers and continue to review for the test at http://www.quia.com/tq/224428.html from home.
Begin class with 10 minutes of silent reading. Students will write summaries of their readings in their Reading Journal.  Collect journals!  Test on Chapter 12: Patterns of Heredity and Human Genetics Learning Standard: Use a range of exploratory techniques. Benchmarks: Determine students grasp of material. Assignment: Students may do vocabulary wordsearch puzzles for extra credit after the test.

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